Sunday, October 20, 2013

Day Off and a Catch Up

Its Sunday,

Wow - what a busy two weeks I have had. This has been my first day off in two weeks with my day job and HLC course last weekend, and it feels goooood!

I had a chat with Michael Kilpatrick of this week. We discussed his farm, the health of the soil, many different aspects of the CSA (community supports agriculture) scheme and even the potential to visit his farm. Michael interned with Joel Salitin who I have mentioned quite a bit. His passion for real food and good farming practices reflect his energy in his produce. I am looking forward to that visit.

On this point, to find out all you need to know about real food get on board this free online event over the next week or so.

I caught up with a client via Skype that is truly smashing every task I have laid out for him. The rewarding feeling of assisting someone with the information for them to reach their goals and get healthy gives me great satisfaction.
In my coaching, I strive to teach rather then tell and believe this will have livelong effects on my clients.
"To give a man a fish feeds him for the day, but teach a man to fish and feed him for life," comes to mind.

I spent the majority of today catching up on notes from the HLC 1. It was truly three days packed with fantastic information which I can't highly recommend enough. Here is the group photograph from the three days. A big shout to Cathy, Jo and Tanya for making the event possible and everyone who attended.

I will be attending Movement X in December  hosted by Ido Portal. I have been focussing my movement sessions on strength and balance, to be more exact handstands. I was delighted today with a seven second freestanding. For anyone thinking sure a little girl can do that , (which is true of course) I hadn't been able to do a handstand my entire life until six months ago.

I have been reading The Coconut Oil Miracle by Bruce Fife, C.N., N.D. and am delighted that I have been a big coconut advocator for over three years now. Before I go any further yes coconut oil is approximately 90% saturated  fat, which is why its so good for you.
This is from the back page so I am sure Bruce won't mind.
When taken as a supplement, used in cooking, or applied directly to the skin, coconut oil has been found to;
-Promote weight loss
-Help protect against heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and many other degenerative diseases
-Prevent premature ageing of the skin
-Improve digestion
Here is a link to purchase.
Sean Croxton interviewed Bruce as well which you can find here.

Warm regards,


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