Saturday morning the 9th of November on the way to work I was in a car crash. I was in the passenger seat when the car I was traveling in broke the lights such that we collided with a truck coming from the left. Both car and truck were travelling at about 40mph. I seen the lights where red and said twice, 'red light-red light'. All three people (two in the car and one in the truck) came away injury free. T
To say I am lucky to be alive is an understatement. The car was a 1995 4l Ford Falcon that somehow pushed the truck further then we went. The car was instantly deemed a write off and the truck may well be as well.The engine/engine block took the blunt of the momentum and sent the truck about 15m across the road. I took a picture of the car I was in which you can see. The truck couldn't drive after words and was towed away while police blocked traffic. If we had being going any faster I would certainly came of a lot worse and any slower we would have went below the truck.
So to say I am feeling extremely lucky at the moment is an under statement. It has made me question more apparent/immediate situations in life and question looking inwards to the daily choices I make, or don't make. I have listed some and deem this as a very good chance to learn from my experience and consider them for yourself.
If I had been more alert could I have prevented the accident?
Do I enjoy my job?
If I had died would I be proud of my influence on the world?
Am I living my dream?
What is my legacy?
What have I learnt from this accident?
What is GOD (I) trying to say to me.
I am not going to make any rash decisions straight away, but to say I am lucking forward to spending three weeks in Torquay is a understatement. Bring on the summer!
Rudolf Steiner over the last few years has come up many times in different areas of my research. I decided to read a couple of his books and further research some of his work.
Last Thursday I went to the Steiner HQ in Victory for one of three Gabriel Talks. I was behind schedule and when I arrived into a room I seen biodynamic farming methods on the projector screen. This was in fact the wrong lecture I walked into but with my interest in Biodynamic farming I decided to stay put. Ill fill you in in more detail what the lecture discussed and benefits of biodynamic farming and what I took away from it. (Cheese & Yogurt)
For anyone who hasn't got a minute to listen to the podcasts I recorded, I really can't stress enough fitting them into your day. If you got a moment to catch up with them I would be very happy with some feedback and/or if you would like to suggest anyone for me to approach to interview in the future feel free to drop me a mail lorcanmulhern(at) or via private mail on Facebook.

Getting a sneaky handstand in on Saint Kilda Beech in preparation for Ido Portal's Movement X workshop next month.
Love and respect.